I love my vaginal weight lifting egg for practical reason of toning my P.C. muscle. I also love it for fun reasons! It gives me a stimulating feeling as I slowly let it drop out of my vagina. ” A giving birth” quality that is deeply pleasurable both physically and emotionally. When I am with my partner, he tugs very gently on the string when the egg is inside of me while I grip the egg with my vaginal muscles. This is a subtle dance of sensitivity and communication with my partner. He has to really tune in to be able to play with just the right amount of pulling on the string, to feel my muscles holding and releasing and responding to his tugging. We both laugh and enjoy the silent love talk with my muscles! I have found that the standing exercises in the booklet give me a great surge of sexual energy throughout my whole body. I am opening up to my sexual energy more and more every time I use my vaginal weight lifting egg. It all feels great!